new blog post, the first in a series about personal identity. maybe i'll find a long-form writing style that feels natural by the time i finish the rest :)
@daya it doesn't really matter where the webmail is hosted. i'd prefer to have the web accessible from but i've been meaning to do some more infrastructure changes before that. there's no security difference with what part of my services are hosted where so long as I don't move the MX record off of the root of my domain.
@wizard Kind of reminds me of hacker as a title. And interestingly for me wizard isn't about being all powerful like a sort of demigod or magical/mystical entity, in fact for me ones trying to attempt this would be villainous wizards, ones that seek power for the sake of it and would cause massive destruction in the process.
@wizard Plus on the knowledge, I think it could be something like being an expert at your own craft as a whole rather than every little detail, and enough surface level knowledge on related knowledge to assert trust on others and rely on them when needed.