Daily Inspiration: "Aligning to tomorrow? You’ll succeed when you get beyond a series of awful decisions driven by the delusion of denial!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Most people believe that they can keep doing tomorrow what they are doing today, even when what they are doing today is not working.
They are wrong.
And, in many cases, people keep making the same awful decisions that bind them to a series of regular failures, driven by the delusion of denial that guides their thinking.
That sounds pretty awful, doesn't it, but it's true in many cases! As someone who deals with the realities of tomorrow, I see it all the time.
The fact is, denial of your reality is not going to lead you to a better outcome - and making bad decisions based on that denial only makes things worse.
People make a series of bad decisions all the time. They don't take the time to invest in the new skills training which might lead them to a better future. They don't dare take on the risk of trying to do new things, with the result that they remain stuck doing old things. They refuse to acknowledge that their current mindset of negativity won't allow them to chase the optimistic opportunities of tomorrow. They simply can't accept that what they are doing today might be entirely irrelevant tomorrow. They continue with behaviors and patterns that are truly destructive and yet refuse to admit that they have a problem.
They cannot comprehend the reality of the massive disruptive trends that are set to change their world.
The result is that things don't work out too well for them - because they continue to make bad decisions based on the denial of their reality.
The fact is, denial is the most dangerous of all drugs.
End your addiction to denial.
Move forward, not back!
#RealityCheck #Denial #Change #Adaptability #Decisions #Leadership #Future #Innovation #Transformation #Success