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i forgot i need a stupid fucking resume to submit in order to apply for a job
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@ninja8tyu what about calling americans transfats
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pig jew actually feels like a genuine slur people could use to call whites and actually have it be offensive, i might honestly coin that term
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i woke up and forgot to check my phone yesterday and i received a text for not sweeping and cleaning shit that i'm pretty sure i fucking did because yesterday i was slacking off to see if the other piece of shit i'm working for will do his job fast enough so for once in his fucking life, he can help me with my bloody tasks
i got my answer in my experiment real quick
1) no, he doesn't do his job fast enough to help me; my literal slowest and laziest work ethic that gets the job done (finding and making more work for myself as well, and taking my sweet fucking time on it), is still hundreds of leagues more efficient than the fucking hardest working mexican there who got a "employee of the month" type shit all the time
2) i get blamed for overlooking certain very menial tasks on my job, in spite of how much is already on my plate every single day
3) i also got blamed for shit i actually did do -- twice actually, because i was already ahead despite being lazy -- that i apparently didn't do.
time to haul ass and find a new job
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actually, i have a perfect way to describe the american workplace -- communism
whatever time and breath i earn for myself by working hard and completing all my tasks is given away to the ones who haven't done any hard work and sit on their phones all fucking day anyway
this country should be nuked 100%, ngmi
americans will soon only be known as as entitled self-proclaimed kings of the world whom all are lazy, morbidly obese, emotionally volatile, violent, moral grandstanding, vape-stinking, illiterate, simple-minded, hypocritical, pig jews.
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made a quick resume and i'm gonna use it to hell and back to apply for whatever jobs are hiring
i don't want to work with mexicans anymore.
another fucking beaner is thinking about joining this place as well. like hell i want to deal with pendejo numero diez once he gets the job.
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@lina that only covers them mutilating themselves and being morbidly obese
honestly american itself is likely to become a slur once this country collapses, so might be pointless to invent a new one
there needs to be a lot of context attached to a word before it's a slur
i literally turned "woman" into an annoying term when my mom wouldn't shut up, went "okay woman," "got it woman," "can you shut up woman," "of course woman," etc
just gotta emphasize the 'n' in american
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@ninja8tyu hard N american