More 'goodness' concerning Microsoft - just hearing on RNZ news that 3 Mile Island nuclear plant (near where my mum lives in Pennsylvania) will be re-ignited to generate power.. for a Microsoft computing facility. What an unworthy motivation for a rather bad idea...
@lightweight Thankfully nuclear is the safest form of energy production when it comes to the production of GW's of power.
microsoft is deadset on wasting a huge amount of power - but at least they went with nuclear rather than coal, which is known for directly killing many people via particulate emissions.
As the article details, the accident was caused by an extreme level of negligence that doesn't fly any more and there wasn't any cancer deaths observed (looking at the maximum dose per person, not a single one was expected or observed).
Nuclear regulators have really clamped down on ensuring that those who run reactors follow key rules - for example, while all auxiliary feed pumps are closed for maintenance, a reactor must be shut down - if that had occurred, the 3 mile accident would not have happened.