this is one valid way of being, personally my approach is to cut people who would have "decorative towels" out of my life starting with my narcissistic parent,
@sun also love how it appears we both settled on the same "ugh I suppose I'll start keeping docs in Markdown so they're as easy to publish as possible later" strategy ... been doing that for a couple years now and it's close to paying off
@sun@deutrino I suggest an addendum to the ssh section, adding a Host entry to ~/.ssh/config so you can just type ssh bleroma and access your machine, here's an example of mine:
Host bleroma
HostName my.bleroma.tld
User bleroma
Port 22
Preferredauthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mykey
IdentitiesOnly yes
RequestTTY yes
RemoteCommand tmux new -As bleroma