Over at https://intuit.com/, when I logged in it asked me to let it send me a text to verify my phone number, I clicked "Skip". When I then went to the "Sign in & security" page, it said my phone number was already "Verified". So why did it ask to verify it again? After I changed my email address, that same page immediately said that my newly set email address was "Verified", even though I hadn't yet clicked the link in the verification email they sent. #smdh 🤡 #ChangeOfAddress 🧵
More on Ko-Fi (https://federate.social/@jik/113152721624111083)... A few hours after I emailed feedback@ko-fi.com about the problems I described previously, I got an email with a link from Zendesk asking me to "Create a password for Ko-fi.com Support Portal." I clicked the link and instead of being asked to create a password I was brought to the Ko-Fi login screen. I logged in and was brought to https://help.kofi.com/, which has a "Sign in" button. I clicked the button and it did nothing. #smdh #ChangeOfAddress 🧵
(https://linkedin.com/ dumpster fire adding AnonAddy address, continued) Despite the fact that I got an error when I clicked the verification link, the address now shows up as verified on my addresses list—see the first screenshot below. But when I click the "Make primary" link, I get the messed-up page shown in the second screenshot below, and my primary address is _not_ changed to the new address. I think I'm just going to give up on this one. *sigh* #ChangeOfAddress 🧵
https://linkedin.com/ is, as usual, a dumpster fire. It accepts the AnonAddy email address when I add it, and sends the necessary verification email to the new address, but when I click the link in the email I get the error page shown below. I note with amusement the copyright notice at the bottom of the page dated 2020. (more LinkedIn fun continued in the next post) #ChangeOfAddress 🧵
At https://ko-fi.com/, they sent email to my old address with a link to confirm the address change, but they didn't send a confirmation link to the new address. After making the change I am able to log in with the new address and my account page lists the new address, but it says "Your email is *not verified*" but provides no instructions or mechanism for verifying it. 🤡 #ChangeOfAddress 🧵
Oh, one more thing about https://tdfinancing.com/ which I forgot... After I changed my password, it displayed this message, really large: "Your password has been captured!" "captured"? Seriously? Was this site built by someone who is not a native English speaker and has so little experience building sites in English that they don't know this is not the term anybody ever uses for this? "captured"? wtf, man. #ChangeOfAddress 🧵
(https://tdfinancing.com/ problems, continued) * They were rejecting my password because it contained "^", which isn't allowed. Two failures here: prohibiting some special characters, and not telling the user what's allowed. * When I changed my email address, they only sent the notification to the new email address, with "If you did not perform this action, contact us immediately..." Yo, if I didn't do it, then it's not my email address and I didn't get this email! Idiots. #ChangeOfAddress 🧵
The TD Bank retail retail card site https://tdfinancing.com/ is disappointing. Because they moved the site yet again I had to reset my password. * When I entered the password generated by my password manager, I got this error: "At least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and optional special character is required. Minimum length: 8." An "*optional* special character is *required*"? Really? (continued) #ChangeOfAddress 🧵
At https://jetblue.com/, it wouldn't let me log in with the password stored in my password manager. I was able to do a password reset and set my password to the one I already had stored, despite the fact that the password reset screen claimed I wasn't allowed to use my previous three passwords. 🤔 On their profile screen they said to "Use an email address you'll always have access to," but then didn't make me very my address after changing it. 🤔🤔 #ChangeOfAddress 🧵