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@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @grey @Crux_Invictus @WoodenDoorInspector That's not much different than literal bronze age paganism.
>[This one dude] is a great warrior king
>[This one dude] died but we still fight in his name
>[This one dude] leads us even though he's been dead for seven generations
>Our god is [this one dude]
I guess it's like Warhammer meets bronze age paganism.
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@Crux_Invictus @WoodenDoorInspector Once again, the Pagan does not seem to espouse specific spiritual entities that it worships more powerful than Jesus Christ, the incarnate word of the Living God.
It's never about specifics, only some generalized pagan spirituality. What do these Gods want? What do they bring? If these Gods are so great, why have they lost everything?
Obviously we know the truth, that the Gods of the other nations were merely demons who were listening to the stories humans told and pretending to be Gods and Heroes from their tales. That's why any ordained Christian priest was able to banish them with a word, because the true God bestows that on his priests.
But these pagan larpers don't actually appear to even believe in these false Gods at any level at all. Christians who know that their Gods were demons believe in them more than they do.
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@grey @Crux_Invictus @WoodenDoorInspector The version that interests me in Von Lists, Which seems to be what Himmler and the NSDAP liked, that being that they're ancient heroes who have been turned into gods via legend, these priest kings reincarnate amongst their people to lead them, even if due to modernity they don't know who they are. IE not literal gods in the sense (hence why Von List uses the phrase "priest king").
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>the larper is a globecuck
>because he's a principled pagan, not like his savage ancestors
>he's a pagan who believes in heckin' science yo.
You're just a liberal wearing one of those plastic viking horn helmets aren't you? If we remove your seething anti-Christian arse pain would there be anything left of your identity?