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iced depresso ('s status on Monday, 26-Aug-2024 10:17:27 JST iced depresso linux: :comfy: rigging chat programs to turn on a blinking LED on your monitor
when you have to use discord which won't let you make a custom hook like this :gutkato_brulas_senzorge:-
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iced depresso ('s status on Monday, 26-Aug-2024 10:19:38 JST iced depresso @realcaseyrollins if you're a server admin setting up bots it does. if you're just some user that wants to log chat and blink a LED when you get pinged no -
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realcaseyrollins ✝️ ('s status on Monday, 26-Aug-2024 10:19:39 JST realcaseyrollins ✝️ @icedquinn
#Discord doesn't support webhooks?
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