I’ve been told the Telegram CEO arrest includes concerns about ransomware groups using the service to distribute stolen victim data - Telegram hadn’t been acting on reports (they did eventually remove Qilin).
Re Telegram - two main issues are apparently at play. One is child porn, the other is concerns about ransomware/extortion groups. The big concern is rightly about the first one.
With the later, groups targeting France (and the UK) have been dumping victim data on Telegram groups, with Telegram directly hosting the data and then failing to remove it.
Telegram is not an encrypted platform - the groups are plain text.
Telegram has <50 staff and 1 billion monthly active users.
With regards to Elon’s claim today that a majority of Mastodon content is child porn - this isn’t true.
Some Fediverse servers are unsavoury - as an instance admin, you can chose to defederate them or not cache media content. You would only encounter this if a user interacted with it.
After approaching two years of being a Mastodon admin to a server with tens of thousands of users, I’ve only ever seen one post which was concerning - I removed the server and reported it to relevant authorities.
@GossiTheDog if this is the *real* motivation of his arrest, and there is no other political - to us normal citizen unknown - issue, than it's hilarious, since Telegram has full compliance with EU legislation (see here for info: https://telegram.org/dsa-report works only from EU / https://transparency.dsa.ec.europa.eu/dashboard) and most important, they are acting as an intermediator. Once he'll be declared responsible, it's the turn of all other CEOs down to Tim Berners-Lee and the pals that invented cryptography. LOL