1: Man With the Machine Gun -Final Fantasy VIII 2: Away -Final Fantasy XVI 3: Beware the Forest Mushrooms -Super Mario RPG 4: Seashore War -Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze 5: Day 5 -Viva Pinata 6: Main Theme -Super Smash Bros. Brawl 7: Stickerbrush Symphony -Donkey Kong Country 8: And My Name's Booster -Super Mario RPG 9: Steam Garden -Super Mario Odyssey 10: Bad Apple -Touhou 11: Life in the Mines -Donkey Kong Country 12: Mine Cart Ride -Super Mario RPG 13: Sonic Boom -Sonic CD 14: Well of Souls -Legend of Spyro Eternal Night 15: Vocal Trax Sa-Ku-Ra -Super Monkey Ball Step and Roll 16: Guide you Home -Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon 17: Sammer's Kingdom -Super Paper Mario 18: This Way That -Mario Party 2 19: Slip Slide Ice Capades -Crash Twinsanity 20: Theme -Space Harrier
@porkcow@BowsacNoodle the song is apparently named "the voyage" but i only knew it as the theme that used to play on the main menu after i bought the guns drums and steel dlc then they changed it to not overwrite the main theme, which pissed me off lol/