I don't think they are going downhill at all. Everyone knew the eastern steppes would be a massive grind because of the topography, or lack thereof. Right now that's where russian soldiers go to die, whereas Ukraine is opening new fronts in Mali and Syria. The drones keep burning refineries and Sergei the Welder keeps lighting russian defense industry buildings on fire. Russia is a big country to bring down, but sure enough, it's going down.
It's huge work for all of us tbh. It's a massive effort to combat the disinformation barrage, election meddling, short political attention spans, etc. in the west. There are millions of us who put in crazy hours towards that end. There is also the fundraising that has been going on since the beginning when Ukraine's own infantry were sitting in trenches with WW2 helmets and an RPG they pinched out of the back of a burned out russian truck. This shit is hard, and we're just not done.
I think pretty much everyone who supports Ukraine would love to let the Poles loose on the russians. There is a non-zero chance the russian soldiers would pack up and ruck themselves home rather than face that. Unfortunately nobody is doing anything without the US because it just isn't in the budget.
@eva_chaos Ok, 😃😃😃😃so you don't think highly of Us Army, well I'm sure if it was then ours will be able to work under Ukrainian command. And I'm pretty sure the Poles would and can do the same, there is just no consensus to let them do it.
You have a lot more faith in my military than I do. Yours is probably better, but mine is full of idiots that tend to make problems worse rather than the opposite. Ukraine knows how to fight its war. If they had to teach a bunch of American chucklefucks how to do it, they would be set back a few years at least.
I'm not sure what NATO boots on the ground can do in a drone war other than complicate logistics and command at this point. What Ukraine needs are "force multipliers" on a budget and they are getting that done. We need to be faster on the deliveries, allow deeper strikes, and Trump needs to go to prison. I think you'll see a lot of positive changes for Ukraine come November. For now, it's just a bunch of russians joining the cube and losing the basis for their economy.
@eva_chaos Yes I hope you are right, and especially that the half ear is put, not in jail but in a detention/insanity hospital, no I don't think NATO will complicate things if military action was taken, they just have to listen to what Ukrainians say and do it. And as for supplies, the West has become very poor at delivering the goods, and it is too bad
@eva_chaos Yes, a lot needs to be done, but our lives where we each live must also go on, no doubt it is difficult times everywhere, but the Western politicians should wake up and send people to help the Ukrainians
I wouldn't lose sleep over the orange turd. He's doing a fantastic job of burning his campaign to the ground, like he has done with all his life ventures tbh. The bigger concern is getting a Democrat majority in the House and Senate so we can start undoing the damage he and the rest of the Putin payrolees have done, which might happen now that some of the gerrymandering has been fixed.
@eva_chaos Well, they have about 70 years of saved beating that they would like to have redeemed, so I ruski will get beaten.Yes the last one you are probably right, the EU leader does not dare to do anything without ok from Us unfortunately, but if half penny is elected will have to make decisions themselves and execute them themselves, which we should usually
I'd love to never see that idiot's ugly mug again, but I have little hope for Texas. That place is a mess, and I'm from Louisiana so my bar is pretty damn low.
@eva_chaos@NeonPurpleStar I hope you are so right, it is certain that we over here in the EU will also notice if wirdedo becomes President, 5cm to the right and it would all be history, hmmm.
They have the advantage of knowing the Russian mentality. Ukrainians are fighting for their freedom. And knowing how the Russians think helps them fight them.