@puppygirlhornypost@transfem.social Just engine brake? Going back to real and not hypothetical cars again I once drove a car of mine 40 kilometers without brakes to my workshop to get it fixed.
@SuperDicq@minidisc.tokyo genuinely, if you have EDR as a kernel module and it just fails to load one day without any sort of warning. "my car decided to remove brakes because the rotors failed" like nobody would make a car that does that hopefully. yeah i can run a car without brakes but it's kinda fucking hard to stop it after its in motion
@SuperDicq@minidisc.tokyo except it's more like "my engine fell out of my car, but i didn't notice because I was going 70mph downhill, I only noticed when i was stuck in the middle of the road stranded with my engine about 10 miles back in the other direction"