i know lrclib for example but its quite lacking, and graphical tools that can scrape things like genius are generally not bulk downloading. boosts appreciated
@icedquinn > The next step is to import your music files into the beets library database. Because this can involve modifying files and moving them around, data loss is always a possibility, so now would be a good time to make sure you have a recent backup of all your music. We’ll wait. yeah this is fucking retarded i'll find something else there is no reason a database import should do that
@maija its because it wants to move the files to some folder structure. which, considering it might misidentify the file, will end up tagging it something stupid.
yeah i kinda threw it out
i haven't seen to many people deal with lyric tags or lrc files. i did put some lyric tags on songs before, but stuff like ex falso and kid3 disagree on how to show and manage it
@maija@icedquinn we had a tool for this, it’s called a file manager
“yes please overwrite my tags with musicbrainz false positives. please move everything to the wrong albums. please sort everything into made-up last.fm genres for different artists of the same name.”—statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged
@icedquinn@maija the trick is to be pedantic about metadata, naming and sorting from the start so you don’t need software to clean up years worth of torrented albums tagged by illiterate russians