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cc: @p
- ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: likes this.
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@SilverDeth @Marvelous7578 @ins0mniak I think, portable system RPGs aside, the entirety of my gaming situation is handled once I acquire a DDR cabinet and a Defender cabinet.
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@ins0mniak @Marvelous7578
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@p @ins0mniak @Marvelous7578
Some of us are sending a message - and piracy is merely a vehicle.
- Be me.
- Has access to any modern AAA game title free to download.
- Has a nice gaming PC.
- Uses these resources to secure copies of 30 year old Gold Box AD&D games and 16-bt Console ROMS.
- Watch son seethe as I play Eye of the Beholder 2 on a rig that could manage any modern game on the highest graphics settings.
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@p @Marvelous7578
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@ins0mniak @Marvelous7578 :ancapjollyrodger: YOHO :blacksam:
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@p @Marvelous7578 I'm 100% legally downloading it rn
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@Marvelous7578 @ins0mniak I think if you like it when Terry Gilliam makes a bureaucratic dystopia where a guy doesn't quite fit in and has trouble getting a date, they are both fine movies, but I enjoyed Zero Theorem the entire time, and Brazil, like, maybe a third of that movie could have been cut.
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@Marvelous7578 @ins0mniak I have been saying things that *ought* to make people want to fight me and so far, no takers, so here's this: Zero Theorem was better than Brazil.
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I've never seen Zero Theorem. Guess I should watch it then.
But I did love the 1940's interpretation of the 1980's in Brazil.
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Brazil (1985) take on the situation.
They should have filed the "Prevent Assasination Permition" form (for ease of communication, just called Form 1855348#24b" in triplicates a bit quicker.