@phrawzty @lmorchard This is the beauty of games like disc golf. There is absolutely nothing you can do to hinder an opponent. You're all out there just trying to have as good a day on the course as you can.
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Kit Rhett Aultman (roadriverrail@signs.codes)'s status on Tuesday, 09-Jul-2024 05:53:23 JST Kit Rhett Aultman -
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Dan (phrawzty) (phrawzty@hachyderm.io)'s status on Tuesday, 09-Jul-2024 05:53:24 JST Dan (phrawzty) @lmorchard
"It hurts to make others fail." Literally the reason I won't play poker with my friends. Nobody seems to get it and I always feel like the weirdo. Why does everything have to be a zero sun game? What if we instead do something where everybody gets to have a nice outcome? Why can't that?
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