@nitbuntu there's not that many that have turned it on. You have to teach a lesson before trying to convince them it's a good idea. Which doesn't work. Also, it's mostly one-way. You *can* reply if you only mention 1 person AND the reply will be private on Threads.
@BeAware if there’s an example of someone who has turned this feature on, I’d line to see what the current experience is? If not, then I might try downloading Threads and giving it a try.
@emaechler@nitbuntu And will continue to not be activated. There's no way they can control your data that way and they have a legal obligoto uphold with GDPR.
@emaechler@nitbuntu Well, that's why it's not federated, so its not public and they can delete the data if an EU resident requests their data to be deleted. If they allow federation, they can't ensure that your data gets deleted when you request it.
@BeAware@nitbuntu the problem is federated data are public data.. there is no way you can controll the data... thats make no sense for me - we will see whats happening in the futur