@kaia No, not slow. Broken. A lot of stuff goes missing. Can't boost some toots that I can see on other sites. Can't follow myself on another account. I know it doesn't matter on the geological scale, but on the geological scale I'm already dead :)
@kaia I'm also here as szescstopni on ol.social, but that's mostly for technical reasons. I don't know hwere to move. Maybe I'll hire someone to start my own instance. But that's a lot of work. I can't even set up a decent computer. The darkness sucks.
@szescstopni I think there are paid Mastodon hosting providers that manage the instance for you.
you are welcome to have an account here, but we are from a very different part of fedi and I'd worry that people whom you interact with block us :fernpeek:
@kaia Thanks. I don't know what :fernpeek: is, and I'm not sure I want to let my sick imagination ruminate on it, but that sounds like a wonderful crazy idea. I have full support from pol.social, but I wouldn't want to abuse them – they're very busy.
@kaia pol.social is pretty good, we're doing a lot of things together. What I need is a web of trust – people I trust to be decent. A web, where if I vouch for someone I do it not for any reason other than I trust them. Revokable, of course :)