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starting to get that spanish civil war vibe
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@graf certainly the most kind thing to do would be humanely remove those that are mentally ill.
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@sickburnbro the trans flag and it's people need to be put back into re-opened institutions
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@sickburnbro @graf It used to be a fundamental rule of psychiatry that you do not ever, ever agree with or support the delusions of a patient under your care. This was once considered medical malpractice.
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@TrevorGoodchild @graf Yes, and it's fucking homos that made them break the rules. Once homosexuality wasn't deviant behavior, the locus of acceptable behavior became internally rather than externally defined.
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@doctorsex it comes and it goes. Sometimes you round and corner and you hear the faint music in the air.
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>starting to
You've been starting to get that vibe for a while
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@doctorsex @MeBigbrain that's why I've advocated for the red and white stripes, for the vibes.
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First off I think the whole paradigm of "ourguy"-ism is going to be a hinderance long term. I think it's not going to be as radical as what a lot of people here want. Lionization of Nazi germany in our situation is quite ironic, as Hitler himself would find it quite retarded
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"NatSoc" and anything immediately adjacent to or resembling it is ostensibly a foreign concept to America and there's no way you can make it something historical here without some serious rabbinical-tier pilpul with history. Whatever emerges is something that is going to be characteristically American by nature. The first step of that is pinning down a historically valid and coherent definition for that.
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@doctorsex @sickburnbro I've heard people say stuff like this, that America won't become a Germany style NatSoc country. What form of ourguyism do you think America is capable of adopting?
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Fair enough. I'm not sure how much of a direct 1-1 "history repeats" guy you are; me myself personally I think there's gonna be some parallels (i.e, stark partisan divide) but it's going to look very different. I personally don't think a "fascist" system is going to emerge either, but that's just my long bet
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@Spingebill @Ariovistus that's not how it will work though. All you need to do is see the struggle the right had EVEN AS THE LEFT WAS KILLING NUNS to understand you can't have a fake faggot installed in a situation like that.
In fact the entire control of the right has been to keep this situation from developing at all.
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@sickburnbro >spanish civil war
Daily reminder that there is no american Franco.
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@Ariovistus @sickburnbro The Nationalist faction this time around will be led by either an (((evangelical))) or Azov-esque controlled opposition figure, with the express goal of getting as many nationalists killed as possible
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@doctorsex @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @MeBigbrain I think it's just not likely for there to be a balkanization in the US. Too many people are too used to free movement, technology doesn't favor it and there is still a lot of human infrastructure for national control.
If there were a simple fissure line it might be possible, but too many people would have to move to make it work.
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@MeBigbrain @doctorsex @sickburnbro I think it's possible doubly so if we (imo inevitably) balkanize, I wonder if/when things get kinetic how many sides would be at play? Would you see a pan-right coalition or Cons fighting NS/WN groups?
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*If* balkanization happens (noone should want this, Imo) you'll see various coalitions across the spectrum. Some pan-right stuff, some ideological hardliners, etc.
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That's always the rough part of balkanization for the US to me. Where do the lines get drawn-and why? If we're looking at a strict partisan line, that's not clean geographically. Maybe people move around, but I really doubt there's motivation for that. It's not like some libtard in georgia is going to go, "well, the USG has fallen, time to pack my shit and go to Cali, let's go everybody!"
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@doctorsex @MeBigbrain @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired right - but that's what I'm saying, on a large level you can look at it as a mathematical function. Borders take energy to manintain, and the dispersion of people in the US mean that the energy to get maintainable borders is high. So it seems like me the simpler option is a spanish civil war style "fight for everything"
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@Ariovistus @Snidely_Whiplash it doesn't take a general, though.
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@Snidely_Whiplash @sickburnbro "American Franco" would already have to be a general in the military right now, and the military would have to be not fucking gay...
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in 1920 there was no Hitler.
In 1916 there was neither Lenin nor Stalin.
George Washington was just a gentleman farmer in 1772.
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@sickburnbro That's the spirit
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@KarlDahl people have been uncomfortable with the "more christian influence" in society until they find out that "less christian influence" means having a baphomet statue in your statehouse with a dildo on it.
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@JeffTheJoker @TrevorGoodchild @graf There are many people to blame. We have enough problems without them, but they seem to always make things worse, on purpose.
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It was the jews that are to blame. Simple as that.