@amerika@IceCubeSoup@Richard@andreas@newman What study are you talking about? I didn't post a study. You're basing your entire position on a generalized presumption that's belied by the actual history. Worse than that, you're basing this "the political machines were against the nativists" notion on a movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz (playing an Irishwoman). Jesus Christ almighty!
@amerika@IceCubeSoup@Richard@andreas@newman Also, Scorsese's portrayal of "Bill the Butcher"/William Cutting is more Hollywood than History. But you wouldn't know that, because you haven't actually studied the Know-Nothing movement in actual historical archives like I have.
I think your study is "off" because it misses the overall pattern: the political machines were against the nativists, and the Irish vote was their tool.
@amerika@IceCubeSoup@Richard@andreas@newman It caused our civil war? Retard, you do know that the Irish-Americans of the period voted with the Democrats and Copperheads, right? Who am I kidding, of course you don't know this. Everything you've claimed thus far demonstrates nothing more than pure historical illiteracy when it comes to American history or otherwise.
It is clear as day that jews control critical institutions that undermine and humble the monarchies that he preens about against muh government. Monarchy is a form of government so him denoucing government is just retarded.
Complaints about the government as a concept will always be dumb and wrong. Complaining about the Irish makes one a total dysgenic loser when they are such pushovers in political and military affairs.
I think if we're going to be honest about diversity sucking ass, we should point out that ethnic diversity sucks ass as much as racial diversity and that these are destructive.
The Irish are the historical source of diversity in America, and of diversity votes.
@amerika@Richard@newman >"The Irish are the historical source of diversity in America, and of diversity votes."
This is exactly what I mean. This statement isn't just simply wrong objectively speaking, it's so preposterously wrong I am compelled to draw one of only a few possible conclusions:
1. the statement is sarcastic, in jest, or a troll; or 2. the statement is an honest reflection of your historical opinion, and you originated in a parallel universe or timeline where this supposedly happened; or 3. the statement is an honest reflection of your historical opinion, and you are one supremely historically illiterate nigger retard.
Not too long ago I posted pages upon pages here about the "Rizzocrat" phenomenon and blue-collar populism in Philadelphia. I take it you did not read any of it. You might be surprised to learn the true identities of nominally "white" ethnic groups who organized, mobilized, and grifted the black & racial diversity votes aiming to defeat Rizzo at any cost as a matter of objective historical fact. Ditto for the White ethnics who politically organized and supported the closest equivalent to the "Dixiecrat" phenomenon north of the Mason-Dixon line, but it was actually way cooler since no one involved wuz secretly fucking negresses a la way too many "Southern patriot" Strom Thurmond morans.
I am still extremely curious as to where I can find genuine real-life examples of historical Irish communities in America that took over the political vanguardist function assumed by Jewish and "Chamber of Commerce WASP" communities everywhere else. It certainly did not happen with the Boston Irish, NYC metro area Irish, or the Irish community in any northern or northeastern city I've historically studied in-depth. Perhaps there were Hibernian Democrat transplants who executed this function out West in one of California's cities. Er, wait, no, turns out Irish Democrats were blamed for the Chinese exclusion acts of 1882 as they allegedly did not like competing with cheaper Chinx laborers. Very similar to the 'Irish workers' and 'Irish mob' "who didn't enjoy competing with free black labor" blamed for burning down Pennsylvania Hall after the American Anti-Slavery Society staged some public ritual wherein proto-feminist abolitionist WASP wahmen started humping their free black abolitionist counterparts for the titillation of one William Lloyd Garrison, formerly of 'American Colonization Society' fame.
@amerika@newman@Richard We could, in theory, but I would need assurances that you weren't just gagging over there. I'm not sure you can even answer the question honestly, but, is your endgame the establishment of some sort of caricature e-persona? Why do you go on these marathon runs spamming posts that are absolutely wrong about everything? Are you another one of these Gangster / National Bolsheviks running phony fash game for LARPLAN lulz or just some really big fan of Harry Frankfurt? image.png