We discuss the environmental impact of antkeeping often and some people worry that collecting queens could harm ant populations.
The consensus seems to be that, unless antkeeping becomes much much much more popular attracting industrial levels of collecting, taking alate queens is probably the least harmful way to get an ant colony.
Queens are released in the 100s and most are eaten by birds, or never find a place to nest. A queen collector denies a bird or lizard a meal mostly.
What *is* harmful is collecting established colonies. Worse? An establish colony hardly ever thrives after being collected, the trauma is just too much. The workers never adjust. It's not worth it.
So, if you want to keep ants learn when your local species fly and catch those queens. Don't feel bad about catching two or three for each colony you intend to raise. (Queens often randomly die early on.)
Put them in test tubes and there begins a multi-year commitment to an incredible pet.