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so I'm just go to keep a copy of this here
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@doctorsex it seems like this might be because of this doll pariah tranny stuff, mainly. Just archiving as we speak.
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This feels like homosexual fencesitting
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@sickburnbro Jessewhatthefuckareyoutalkingabout.png
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@dowitcher just notice person getting into interpersonal drama the day after a big doxx dropped.
note that a) this is part of the goal of doxx
and b) the pressure will also provide some transparency into people who are otherwise opaque [also what your enemies want, but don't ignore the information]
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@mkultra @doctorsex yeah, I only grabbed the top part because I was trying to get the archive of the whole thing, and it seems like xitter is resisting efforts of to archive tweets? or am I doing something wrong
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It's obviously about the Pariah stuff. But it's interesting to see where the dividing lines are drawn- the criticism of the more bap-oriented people is essntially an optical rather than substantive one- and similarly, he can't call meta or basil liars, so he has to go by unrelated obfuscations: "fuentes like your stuff! You're brown and gay!"
If they cared about guilt by association, pariah even having presence would be worthy of condemnation. If they cared about homosexuality, they would not listen to bap. If they cared about someone being non-White, medgold or indian bronson would not have followings either. It's transparent.
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@doctorsex @sickburnbro crazy and wild the most relevant section of the post got cropped:
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@mkultra @doctorsex this is ultimately part of the "what to do with women" problem.
And the thing is - if you have women that want to play with politics, that's an issue, but if they are going to, they have to use the same rules. And if they are soft on trannies, you can't excuse it.
You have to put a line between them and you. They have to be "useful people who are not part of what I am part of"
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@doctorsex @sickburnbro
Reminder, not part of the thing tm:
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@doctorsex @sickburnbro
Keep in mind that the interference for Anna (whose boosting of the tranny is the only reason this discourse is happening) is the only reason the post exists.
That's the revealed preference. You can talk about hating fags, browns, and the like all you want, but if you run cover for tranny boosters and people who chum around with Brianna Wu (antediluvian gamergate tranny) and others running cover for them YOU DO NOT HATE TRANNIES.
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@doctorsex @sickburnbro
"Anna's problem is she cares to much and as such cares for trannies"
Immediately followed by
Uhhhh where's that standard for Anna?
Oh she's not in ur club. Why did everyone start running cover then?
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@doctorsex @mkultra he's being too soft on them here, but what I get from this is him trying to say they're useful idiots without saying they are useful idiots.
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@sickburnbro @doctorsex I'm also not impugning you, 0hp coalcraft put his cover running far down.
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Zero good takes lovecraft
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@sickburnbro @doctorsex xitters api is fucky
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@BobRoss well, remember, you don't have to pick sides (yet)
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@sickburnbro glad all I know of these people is that I listened to meta prime on a podcast once and that's it, and he was on blood satellite so I assume he's right and everyone else is kike faggots
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@doctorsex @mkultra I mean it makes sense, clout is, in general, a proxy for trustworthiness when there aren't a lot of events around to prove it.
The smartest move is to just try to get events to happen that give people the opportunity to reveal what they are really about. ( If possible, make it so not making a comment on something is the failure path )
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I'd wager there's at least a couple more layers to it than that- but the bottom line re: anna/redscare/ "post left" is none of these people *ever* should have been taken seriously beyond "what can *I* get out of this?" This whole thing really goes back to BrAP- someone articulates a few good ideas or so on, and people become way too willing to give them a pass when they fuck something up. For years, BrAP coasted on the goodwill of "c'mon, remember 2016 rw twitter? I was big! I had clout!" And that NEVER should have been allowed. *All* of what you're seeing right now in this situation is entirely downstream from that- clout is used as a fiat for actual trustworthiness.
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@TrevorGoodchild for better or worse, I can't.
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@sickburnbro Can you give me the quick rundown on 'doll pariah tranny stuff', I can only follow so much e-faggotry before I get bored
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@doctorsex @mkultra so, you'll need to excuse me because I don't actually know what "this" is.
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I disagree. It reads to me like a "good cop, bad cop" sort of deal. When it came to the actual critique of anna, who is at the center of this- all of this is directly her fault- he completely softballs it. "Oh, gosh, she's just a woman! She doesn't know any better :)". There's infinitely more vitriol for basil than for the people actively trying to smuggle tranny acceptance in. Why is that? Why is he being soft on them in the first place?
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@doctorsex @mkultra The most charitable reading is they are struggling because it means yet again taking apart everything because people fucked up.
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>The smartest move is to just try to get events to happen that give people the opportunity to reveal what they are really about
We have that, right now. That's what this current discourse is. The line is: "are trannies valid?" And "do they belong in 'dissident right' spaces?" For someone aping the sensibilities of the "dissident right", both moral and aesthetic, this ought to be an easy slam dunk. So why are so many of them struggling?
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@doctorsex @mkultra obviously, but in more detail the event(s) he is reacting to
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"This" is the current twitter drama you posted a screnshot of
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@doctorsex @mkultra indeed, it's easy for us to say that though, as we have nothing to lose.
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Ok, well, maybe if the things they built is being spearheaded by overly verbose liberal hipsters, a disfigured gender gremlin, and a handful of homosexual jews, it *should* be dismantled.
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@doctorsex @mkultra I don't know who is in a groupchat with who, and I really don't care.
My take on this is what it always has been: you must assume that your thing will have attempts at infiltration and that until you can successfully deal with it you will keep losing.
Dissident spheres in the US have it particularly rough because not only do they have to deal with the government directly and indirectly fucking them up, but they also have to deal with people who see the promise and are looking to do a "dissident-lite"
You must be patient, because there is nothing else to do.
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Bap *should* lose. Anna *should* lose. Pariah *absolutely should* lose.
These people aren't strangers to each other. Every figure of some prominence in this thing- particularly the ones on the brap/post-left/w/e side, are all in group chats with eachother, coordinating talking points, manufacturing rhetoric, etc. This is not, "oh god oh fuck, my internet buddies made a bad fuck up and now I'm caught between a rock and a hard place", this is "oh god oh fuck, our coordinated attempts to astroturf liberalism in the DR is blowing up in our face"
Fuck every one of them. I have no sympathy for it.
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@sickburnbro I'm on side pick a side but let's not all be turbo spergs about it
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@BobRoss no doubt.
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@BobRoss I think "don't be a turbosperg" is probably a good baseline to start with
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@sickburnbro yes no doubt it's impossible
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Notable 'right wing' values of, "unconditional empathy" and "just let people enjoy things'
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@doctorsex @nugger @mkultra followed soon by "you enjoy one thing, you are thus a hypocrite for not letting people enjoy everything" and my favorite "you aren't allowed to enjoy anything"
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@doctorsex @sickburnbro @mkultra "UHH YOURE JUST PROVINCIAL AND CLOSEMINDED RUBE
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@sickburnbro @BobRoss This feels like a hatecrime.
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@NoDoxGregBrady @BobRoss it is
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@graf @doctorsex @IAMAL_PHARIUS @nugger @sickburnbro
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS @nugger @doctorsex @sickburnbro @mkultra
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@nugger @doctorsex @sickburnbro @mkultra
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@doctorsex @mkultra @monsterislandcolonizer I mean, it's an interesting question, and one that if you want to find out, you can go ask on twitter.
Consider it field research
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I'm genuinely curious what someone gets out of being a BrAP fan in the current age. What salient analysis comes from that sphere? Any incisive commentary on things? Any time I see their stuff it's "faux" homoeroticism and obfuscatint on the jewish question. Frankly, lots of weird contradictory stuff as well- "gosh, women are so dumb and stupid and evil! Anyways, go listen to these libtard women!"
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@doctorsex @monsterislandcolonizer @sickburnbro
"I have power to make you say man is woman"
*war and peace length posts about moralizing*
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@doctorsex @monsterislandcolonizer @sickburnbro
Just by knowing bap was a nietszchean I figured he'd cross some line.
It follows.
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Naturally, you're going to wind up with some wacky shit when you decide "good and evil don't exist, there's only power and interpretations"
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That's where the whole "alliance with the 'post-left(tm)'" stems from, IMO. The recent stuff with pariah is just the natural downstream of that
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@doctorsex @monsterislandcolonizer @sickburnbro
I disagree, I think it's downstream of urban nihilist cosmopolitanism.
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@doctorsex @monsterislandcolonizer @sickburnbro
Basil's assertion (it was an attempt to curry favor w/ Anna and therefore bap et al) is the most simple and logical
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Personally I think it's that bap is gay, and him and the people backing him need to be able to make more carveouts for "based faggots/trannies" for the crowd of people whom milo yiannopolous and blaire White don't work on
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Bull shit- raw egg nationalist is active in those spheres, I don't believe for a second he wouldn't recognize bap's pet tranny
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I'm probably not the best person to give a concise rundown, but the most succinct way I can put it is,
-all the "post-left" hipster-libs bap gave his blessing to have brought in a tranny with them
-this tranny keeps showing up at post-left/nrx/whatever you want to call it IRL events, in positions of prominence, no less
-people point out, "hey, it's real fucking weird you're platforming a tranny and giving him a position of prominence in all this stuff"
-the post-left/nrx/braposphere people get incredibly defensive over the tranny, keep beating around the bush and avoiding the actual question of why a tranny is being elevated in that space
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@doctorsex @sickburnbro @mkultra another rightoid twitter user gave the editor of Man's World a picture of the troon from a photo shoot which was put into the mag as a 2 page spread so now this troon's fashion shots are in Man's World
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@doctorsex @wgiwf @Amalek_Respector @mkultra I keep mentioning this, but everyone has a lot of liberalism they still take as assumed.
I know for instance I used to cringe when I heard "man-lift" and I noticed it and said "why am I doing this?"
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"Racist liberalism" strikes again.
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@doctorsex @Amalek_Respector @sickburnbro @mkultra >but the bottom line is there have been far, far more cases to indicate women ought to be seen and not heard in "right wing" politics than anything else.
You can and should make this a broader point of contention much further than "serious online dissident politics" and the fact that this isn't the standard shows the deep inherent feminism in the "movement's leaders".
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Youcis is literally an insane whore. There's no merit to emulating her. Towler I really don't know or care about- but the bottom line is there have been far, far more cases to indicate women ought to be seen and not heard in "right wing" politics than anything else.
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@sickburnbro @mkultra @doctorsex If they’re not trying to emulate Laura Towler or Emily Youcis, theyre ngmi
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@doctorsex @Amalek_Respector @wgiwf @mkultra It can be dumb, but there is a point to saying "actually everything back to the enlightenment is suspect" .. and I reference this often when I talk about the French Revolution.
The temptation to say "well, lets just roll back to before that" is the part that is worst, though, because we can't do anything but move forward.
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Right- there's a fundamental difference between the passive assumptions and priors one inherets from existing in a society that assumes those things and actively imposes them vs actively going out and saying "you know what's a great idea, actually? 20th century feminism, but we put a bunch of swastikas around it!". That's fucking retarded
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It's the most retarded, animalistic, monkey-brained partisan take you could have on this- "no, the problem with women in politics isn't *prima facie*- women in politics- It's that the women in politics aren't doing it under my thing!" As though throwing up a roman is going to magically make them not be women still somehow
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@doctorsex @Amalek_Respector @wgiwf @mkultra right, and I guess it makes sense, because it involved revisiting less priors.
as we enter into the 100th season of the WQ. it does feel like the conversation is improving, though.
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I don't disagree, but that's largely a separate issue. "Moving forward" shouldn't mean "let's take a watered down version of enemy beliefs and plaster it with our own iconography to pretend it's better somehow".
It's the same thing conservatives get lambasted for repeatedly- no doubt this guy has mocked republicans for doing "muh based [minority]!!" Yet here he is, doing the same thing. If conservatives are "liberals who obey the speed limit", then there is undoubtedly a sort of "nazi/White nationalist/whatever" that is just a liberal who's doing 10mp/h below.
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@doctorsex @Amalek_Respector @wgiwf @mkultra yeah, I mean to a degree its kind of a "conservatives are liberals from 1950" and "WNs are liberals from 1860/1920/X"
But that's just way I think people work, is they want a list of what needs to change, rather than jumping off the boat to something new.
That's kind of what cult members so.
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@doctorsex @Amalek_Respector @wgiwf @mkultra So what we need is a tone "The Case against Liberalism"
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@doctorsex @sickburnbro @wgiwf @mkultra Are you able to make the distinction between “having women involved” vs “having women there and boost morale for their husbands and help recruit other women but not be involved in any important decision making unless they have a demonstrated skill showing they can”?
If not them that’s fine, but if you think “white nationalism” can be achieved without white women being involved and getting married and having kids with white giys, i’ve got a few bridges to sell you.
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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, because if the extent of towler or youcis' involvment was "moral support for their husbands & raising families" you likely wouldn't know who they were.
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@hazlin someone mentioned that in his comments as well. I'm very cautious to make any statements about it, but a lot of people don't understand randomness nor generation.
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@sickburnbro pretty sure a lot of people do this. There are videos of it on youtube. Now, should you do it? Probably not, I'm not sure what the, chain of causality is that brings this about. But, the people I've seen do it, are all about talking to aliens through meditation, so, yeah, probably want to avoid that.
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@Myles @doctorsex @mkultra Remember, understanding the reasoning of people isn't just for sympathy.
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"What if you were in that position though, it would be a hard call right"
I simply wouldn't be, by virtue of I'm not some sycophantic clout goblin who would try to do subversion for internet retard points and/or money from yarvin/thiel. BrAP should kill the tranny, and then hang himself from it's leftover guts.
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@doctorsex @sickburnbro @mkultra "Being in a bad position could be here," he thought. "I've never considered that my actions have consequences before." The two likes from uncommitted centrists felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE BEING IN A BAD POSITION" he thought.