"Walking 8,000 steps per day is effective in lowering neutral fat as well as reducing small dense LDL-cholesterol and the risk of arteriosclerosis, which can cause stroke and heart disease, Saitama Medical University has found" https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20240504/p2a/00m/0li/013000c "average woman’s [man's] stride length is 0.413 [0.415] times [their] height" 🔸8000 steps is about 5.6km for people 170cm tall https://calculat.io/en/length/steps-to-km/8000
@RoboticistDuck According to MLIT's Yokohama National Highway Office (国土交通省関東地方整備局 横浜国土事務所) the distance from Nihonbashi to the Hodogaya-juku, the first post station on the Tōkaidō route to Kyoto, was about 33km and people walked around 40km/day in the Edo period. Pedometers would have recorded 57,000 to 60,000 steps if they had them then😬 https://www.ktr.mlit.go.jp/yokohama/tokaido/02_tokaido/04_qa/index4/answer1.htm