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they're going to try everything to get people not to vote for him, and it won't work.
All I can hope is it gives him room to make the people who fucked with him sad, because they're just evil people.
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@PopulistRight I would argue that Biden is worse simply because there is less transparency about who actually is ruling you.
That is one of the main reasons the system hates him, he wants a say in what is going on.
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@sickburnbro I hope to get people not to vote for either half of the Trump/Biden tag-team. Look what he just supported last week with Johnson.
Making the libs "feel bad" doesn't compare to seeing that lying, back-stabbing, war-mongering, gun-hating, Death-Vaxx pushing, LGBTPedo-loving piece of filth lose.
Team-Biden is bad enough, but they don't have an army of blind cultists, who think they are "on the right" as they support that Limousine Liberal Neo-Con, screaming "USA, USA," to cover for the Uniparty's anti-American policy.
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@PopulistRight @not_br549 well, that's the question isn't it.
remember after 2020 he seemed ok going and hanging out in Mar-a-lago, but then they decided to attack him first. Perhaps he had made noise of running or whatever.
As I've said before, if there is anything to trust about Trump, it's his ego.
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@not_br549 @sickburnbro Why kill a guy they rolled every time, on every issue, the last time? He sold out easy - never put up a fight.
Remember when he was selling us out on the 2nd Amendment, and it was Pence trying to reel him back from his "Take the Guns First / Due Process Later" position? Freaking Pence was to the "right" of Trump - is how bad it was. The full-clip is better - including Feinstein smiling and literally rubbing her hands together, in the Jewy way they do.
It seems like the Biden period has made people forget how much Trump sucked on literally EVERY issue.
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He will need to dismantle the deep state as an act of self-defence. They clearly intend to kill him.