@djsumdog@djsumdog.com They don't actually believe this shit, they just tell themselves this shit in order to reaffirm themselves and make themselves feel better about their shaky stance on the matter.
My stance on abortion has changed throughout the years. Right now I think I'm in the same camp as you: pro baby killing. If you're going to do it, don't dress it up with bullshit terms like "women's health."
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com Personally, I just despise the schemey snake-like dishonesty of progressives on this issue. I am pro-choice, but I am also mature and sane enough to recognize that at some point it's killing a human being. I'm also not opposed to the killing of human beings, under various circumstances. We do it all the time. I am also not against things like euthanasia, which is basically the progressive argument-in-disguise for "abortion" (I also hate the term "abortion" because it's an intentionally obfuscating term for killing, straight-up).
I'm not talking about governments none of us can control. My sister volunteered for years in a Christian pregnancy center. Her church (and many others) all provided tons of assistance for people who wanted to keep their babies, both in helping them apply for all the government programs they could, but also providing tons of services via a network of local churches. They didn't need big daddy government handouts to take care of human beings.
I know thousands of these programs exist all over America. You honestly sound like you're talking out your ass. How about you go to your local church and ask, and see where they send you. Interview people about how they help women after birth. I think you'd honestly be shocked how much they do.
@djsumdog@ty_406 lol, what a fucking farce. I suppose Republicans cut the childcare tax credit for fiscal responsibility because billionaire tax cuts are way more important.
So what non-profits and churches provide aren't "social programs?" The tweet says "Repbulicans" and sure, could be the political association, but if we're honest, OP is hating on the voting bloc .. the people. And it's just not true. Not all Republicans are against abortion btw, but the ones who are against baby killing also support churches and non-profits that provide alternatives. Many would personally support alternatives if they knew people facing this choice. The religious probably care more at an individual level than the progressive democrats; the later claiming to care for a faceless whole of marginalized, ignoring an aspects of Personal Responsibility.