@flux_the_cat@SK1ZM conservatives are falling over themselves for a chance to condemn these protests, its'a ll just ridiculous and disgusting, i'm so tired of this country.
language is semiotic - that is, words only have meanings in relation to one another.
one of the unsung superpowers of the jew, who has control of academia and media, is the ability to change the definition of a word from the agreed-upon to something different (and advantageous) without notice.
It’s almost as if they’re playing Scribblenauts, but in real life.
@SK1ZM@flux_the_cat part of me wonders if they're going to hard on this talking point, and it might not ahve the opposite effect to chilling the criticism, cuz so far over time, actual antisemitism has only gone up, along with people just criticizing jews without nessicarily being antisemitic.
@s2208@SK1ZM@flux_the_cat@givenup Quite right. Great observation and explanation. The most infuriating thing about this, I think, is that the jews know some of us know tbey don't this, or can see then doing this, and so they have their conservative jews, both neo-con and "traditional" conservacuck talking heads, blame the anorphous specter of liberalism or leftism or even worse and more mercurial the recent addition of "woke", for this phenomenon. Which in and of itself is exactly what you describe in your post. (((They))) have taken the word, "woke", and manufactured a new definition and consensus around that word in order to hide the true cuprits behind the co-opting and weaoponizing of words to forward their cultural marxist revolution. It certainly is, as you so aptly put it, a jewish super power. Trotsky and marx did this, the Frankfort School was quite skilled with this technique as well.
The jews are truly a most worthy and excellent adversary. They are both comic book and highbrow intellectual sci-fi villians all rolled into one.