Honestly can't recall if it did or not. My takeaway was that the video wanted to explain the existence of Nephalim and why God ordered the Isrealites to wipe out entire groups of people. Because they weren't actually people. They were literal monster races created by the nephalim.
I'll rummage through my watch history to see if I can find it.
i don't entirely disagree they are monsters, but people try to make it sound far more fantasy. because i'm sure they would considered niggers to be from Adam (they aren't.)
Came across a YT video the other day on nephalim and the book of Enoch. The summary was that the nephalim were breeding with everything on earth, including animals, making new non human monster species and this is why God commanded Moses to completely wipe out the Hittites, Amorites, Cannanites, etc. down to the livestock. Also why He destroyed the earth with a flood because only Noah had kept his bloodline pure.
thoes two things happened at different times and by different people. God commanded the Israelites to kill the Canaanites. God killed ALL of the sons and daughters of Adam by himself.
But the real issue is that they were able to breed with the children of Adam. We cant breed with horses and cows, and there is no special "angel" race. They were other humanoids we race mixed with.
the nephilim are also said to have brought knowledge to the children of Adam. Like Prometheus bringing fire (literally the same myths, because the same people).
So I guess if you think niggers came down on flying pyramids
Unfortunately its pretty common among so called Christians afaik. People will believe the stupidestfiction instead of the obvious reality. Some of the most racist nigga on here will die on the hill of saving a nigger through Jesus, as if theyare humans becUse you say they are.
@WhiteBoyRooster@Xenophon This is right up there with young earth creation, and flat earth / firmament model. All these people have to do is look at the evidence as it is *today* and see if it works that way, which it clearly doesn't.