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@kirby put it in a isolated vnet and access it thru some kinda VPN idk
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@munir @kirby despite the proliferation of iot devices many isp supplied routers still can't do vlans or other sorts of isolation because cheap fucks and if ever gets hacked this is why
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@menherahair @munir @kirby why are you still using an isp router it's not like a dedicated router is going to cost an arm and a leg
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@eric @munir @kirby modem + router in fact cost more than my entire setup
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@munir @menherahair @kirby @eric
Agreed! Git is a mess — looking at linux kernel, it isn't surprising 😏
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@munir @menherahair @kirby @eric
"COMMIT HATE CRIMES" — just don't forget to push --force them :marseytroublemaker:
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@menherahair @munir @kirby what are you running this off? A Macintosh SE you found on the side of the road?
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@eric @menherahair @munir @kirby iMac G3
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@munir yeah tell me to do that on my at&t router
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@m0xEE @not_benis @menherahair @munir @kirby oh shit it's going leak cooling liquid if you have the fancy one isn't it?
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@not_benis @menherahair @munir @kirby @eric
That's even cooler than what I do 😲
I'm seriously considering migrating my instance to a PowerMac G5 though — it's irresponsiveness gets tiring at times. Powering that thing would likely cost a fortune — the only thing that stops me. Some say it's not that bad, but I have a weird premonition I shouldn't trust them 😏
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@eric @not_benis @menherahair @munir @kirby
Nah, I have a Dual one — linux kernel still detects some pumps, and always detects malfunction in them, but as windfarm module for the G5 looks like it was coded by a schoolkid, I think it's just a bug.
Sometimes this fact makes me suspicious of it, but no — I've never seen anything that looks like a pump in it, maybe it's somewhere deeper in this model, but I'm too scaredy cat to get into its CPU assembly, it looks so tight that I might never be able to reassemble it back.
But anyway, some Duals and newer Quads didn't have leaky cooling systems, the liquid would still be no good probably and would need a replacement.
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@menherahair @kirby @eric autism thread
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@eric @munir @kirby networked
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@menherahair @munir @kirby I don't own a modem and I have the ISP router on bridge mode. I have a fiber optic connection so I can't buy a modem anyways.
I have a Linksys E8450 but that's like $150. It is officially supported though. I don't think $60 will get you a good router if you're buying new anyways.
I don't do VLAN on my router. I have a Ubiquiti® switch for that. Don't buy Ubiquiti® products btw.
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@eric @munir @kirby dell wyse I got for $30. initially it booted from internal 4gb mmc but I moved it to a usb stick I had laying around. it has a usb attached hdd too but it's exclusively for my torrent files, it was like $50. so if you count the thumb stick it adds up to around $90. power usage is like 10$ a year if even that
I guess I don't need a modem, I can just set the isp thing to bridge. I don't want to pay for worse hardware, and I want good software to do the vlan, so I'm looking for wi-fi 6 capable openwrt router (if I were the only one using it for connection I wouldn't mind downgrading, but that's not the case). there's some asuses for $60, cheaper than I thought, so if I dig for a while I can probably easily hunt down something for $40 or less. I plop that on and get another $10 of power usage a year... yeah I'm not doing that
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@munir @kirby @eric
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@menherahair @kirby @eric so riyal