I have one of those backlit keyboards and my nails scratch tf out of the keys over time. I have a self made keyboard graveyard in my shed. The worst keys right now are N, T, I, O, H
@MadrePappagallo@Tony@georgia@suquili Just buy new key caps or 3d print them. It's cheap and you can get a fun design or just spend like $6 on eBay and get random.
@BowsacNoodle@MadrePappagallo@Tony@georgia Took a look at my own keyboard (quite old) and just noticed that the period key has been completely faded away. Never noticed. I'm lucky I don't need to look at the keys when I type, several are completely unreadable lol.
@MadrePappagallo@Tony@georgia@BowsacNoodle My N key is pretty faded. But not as faded as D and M. The I, G, E, and R keys meanwhile are all perfectly fine. I'm surprised E is so clean actually, that's the most used letter in the alphabet.
@Tony@georgia@MadrePappagallo@suquili My keyboard would cost $150 to replace it and I've had it for like a decade. I too have a ton of extras in my storage but mine are old IBM mech style ones that I got at garage sales. Should probably unload some of those.
I was going to do that till I discovered those keycaps won't fit this one. Those keycaps only work on keyboards that got that + shape under them. This one doesn't, cause I checked myself before I bought a bunch of keys that would not fit. Why they don't make them compatible is beyond me.
My keyboard is backlit too but not mechanical. Nothing really special about it. It does have a useful volume knob. I stole it from my friend's little brother like 7 years ago after he got a new keyboard and I love it. Not much of a peripherals nerd. I sorta like my keyboard looking all disheveled as long as it still lights up.
@suquili@MadrePappagallo@Tony@georgia Well then no use worrying. You could always put stickers if you cared. Clear label printer stickers, reverse printed. Once it's on, use glaze spray paint, two coats for permanent, three for durability.
I don't know how it works honestly, but making them so many different styles like that really fucks things up, and forces you to buy another keyboard. They can suck a dick, fuckin bastards.
@Sal_Equis@MadrePappagallo@Tony@georgia@suquili I think most of them will let you swap keys you just gotta find out what works. Most of this type of stuff only has a few OEM designs that are built out of various Chinese factories.
@MadrePappagallo@BowsacNoodle@Tony@georgia@suquili I'm rather new to mechanical so I'm not sure, but I believe you need to get one that it says you can replace the keys. Those can be over $100. There might be cheaper no name brands on that chink site you visit.
Fuckin typical. and I've looked at keyboards on there but they don't show you what the underside of the keycaps look like, or if they're even replacable.