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Pleroma-tan ('s status on Saturday, 30-Mar-2024 06:04:41 JST Pleroma-tan @Tony have u heard about the xz backdoor yet -
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:marseyloadingneon: m0xEE :marseyloading: ('s status on Saturday, 30-Mar-2024 06:05:28 JST :marseyloadingneon: m0xEE :marseyloading: @kirby @Tony
Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and saviour "downgrade the xz package"? :marseysmug2:Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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Mr. Bacon ('s status on Saturday, 30-Mar-2024 06:07:14 JST Mr. Bacon just read about it. I use Ubuntu and not debian though Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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Pleroma-tan ('s status on Saturday, 30-Mar-2024 06:07:46 JST Pleroma-tan @Tony you uhh might want to upgrade or downgrade xz then -
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Mr. Bacon ('s status on Saturday, 30-Mar-2024 06:10:43 JST Mr. Bacon im checking now
goddamnit🙄Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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Mr. Bacon ('s status on Saturday, 30-Mar-2024 06:16:35 JST Mr. Bacon okay, should be okay, my servers are running an older version. I don't use them very often so I haven't updated to the latest packages in like a year ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: and Pleroma-tan like this. -
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Pleroma-tan ('s status on Saturday, 30-Mar-2024 06:37:40 JST Pleroma-tan @Tony heh
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