It's time to put to rest #hex and #rgb() / #rgba() colours in #CSS and embrace the future: #oklch() and #oklab()
* oklch() model:
* oklab():
I'm not sure why we still need to add/support lch() and lab() since the ‘okay’ version is the ‘fixed’ version… which is better. Then again, I'm not a #colour expert, hence I can't think of a reason. (Can someone enlighten us, mortals? Thank you!)
Since oklch(), oklab(), lch(), and lab() are still not widely supported (yet), and many end-users are still using an old version of browsers without support, there is #hwb().
As you can see from hwb() is widely supported already. The only browsers still without hwb() support are niche browsers, mainly from China (they don't even support rgb() according to #CanIUse).
* Base #color model: hwb()
* To be future proof: oklch() or oklab()
What I'm more excited about is the #RelativeColor feature from #CSSColor5, but that's for another day.