You're a bunch of niggers. Just because I use Linux shouldn't entail that I should have to solve eight to ten captchas in order to log into your sites or perform cases searches. You're allowing any android browser to click the box without further question. I hate you so much rn. 😡
@Humpleupagus government use of captchas (and analytics) hosted by third parties never sat well with me. these are government services, there's no other game in town and in many cases I am more or less forced to make use of them
they also "protect" the weirdest things against "bots" I mean if it were just the final submission page for various forms I would at least understand the motivation but often it's random informational pages or even worse something that's ALREADY BEHIND A LOGIN WTF
although in this case I suspect the entire thing stems from that one guy who scraped more or less all the available cases in the entire US and then (iirc) made them freely available and indexed things like names. but public is public so he did nothing wrong as far as I'm concerned
Probably done with the reasoning that botnets use a lot Linux servers maybe? But that wouldn't make any sense because no one is using a web browser on a server. So retarded..
I use qutebrowser, which doesn't have plugin support, but is super lighweight and needed for the slow hardware. Firefox works to but I couldn't change the user agent because the menu for changing it kept drawing off the screen. (the firefox port on here is just regular arm Linux firefox configured to fit that screen but it's not perfect)