you are in the andromeda galaxy. say hello to kris statlander and bad mass effect game for me
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『VRISKA』 ('s status on Monday, 18-Mar-2024 22:44:24 JST 『VRISKA』 - narcolepsy and alcoholism :flag: likes this.
- Pleroma-tan repeated this.
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narcolepsy and alcoholism :flag: ('s status on Monday, 18-Mar-2024 22:44:41 JST narcolepsy and alcoholism :flag: @vriska
tumblr_omx05jjaft1qe4j47o2_500.…Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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narcolepsy and alcoholism :flag: ('s status on Monday, 18-Mar-2024 23:10:07 JST narcolepsy and alcoholism :flag: @m0xEE @vriska mass effect andromeda
tumblr_inline_omxeddjt9a1spbn0x… -
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:marseyloadingneon: m0xEE :marseyloading: ('s status on Monday, 18-Mar-2024 23:10:10 JST :marseyloadingneon: m0xEE :marseyloading: @hj @vriska
Where is this girl from? I don't think I ever played the latest Mass Effect game and yet her face looks familiar? Halo? :marseyhmm: