Just updated: Make Better Documents, a quick guide I wrote up with some tips on how to make your professional documents more effective. It covers many of the most common errors I’ve seen (or that I’ve _done_) and some suggestions on how to address them. I hope it’s helpful, and feel free to share your tips on what else could be included. https://anildash.com/2024/03/10/make-better-documents/ (Thanks to @waldoj for pointing out one bonus item I’d missed!)
@anildash I'd love to see accessibility also addressed in making better docs. Better accessibility often also means better communication. Take images for example: An accessible image is tagged with alternative text to describe it for people who are blind or have low vision. If you can't come up with good alt text for an image, that's probably a good sign it's not communicating anything of value and can be omitted completely.
@anildash oh, I thought they were a Google/Chrome exclusive, but they apparently work on Safari on my ipad. I’ll have to see if those are standard and widely supported now.