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Prostitution can’t be illegal. It’s tyranny. The government has no right to tell you who you can have sex with. (Unless you’re gay, but that’s a whole other thing.)
Prostitution is called “the oldest profession” for a very good reason. As soon as someone invented money, every single bitch on the planet said “well, I’ve got something to trade for that money.”
It’s a sin, but it is the most natural thing in the world and it is the single most obvious possible economic transaction.
When you get married, you are paying a woman to have sex with her for life. Prostitution is a mini-marriage. You pay for one time, instead of a lifetime.
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@TexWilliams Remember 100 years ago when requiring marriage for this was normal? And there's no genie that's being put back in a bottle, either. When you meet a woman and she's been with a 3 figure number of guys for all kinds of activities, you're going to be less enthusiastic than if she wasn't, aren't you?
There's a very good reason it's considered a sin.
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How does he know that he's not the prostitute in the marriage? 🤔
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@Humpleupagus @TexWilliams He'd have to have sex for that, right?