this is something i saw happen here recently that i'd just like to offer a #psa on so we don't get all birdsite brained abt it
when you're debunking a fashy myth, do not repeat the myth. no, i don't care if it's for the purpose of debunking. you are only spreading their disinformation for them.
you can talk about what they are saying without repeating the bigoted agenda.
just for example lets say you want to debunk their hatred of floride in the water. you don't need to repeat all the antisemitic, homophobic reasons they hate it in the water. just say: we all know floride is of a benefit, and kids in areas with florinated water have a significantly less number of cavities than kids growing up in areas that do not add floride to drinking water.
you can describe the truth, vaguely allude to the lie without going into specifics, and you've effectively still debunked it.
so please don't repeat transphobic myths about testosterone when debunking them :) just debunk. dont repeat.