If John Podesta offers you a handkerchief with a map on it… don’t take it.
RE: Did you leave a handkerchief
To: john.podesta@gmail.com
Date: 2014-09-04 11:06
Subject: RE: Did you leave a handkerchief
OK, thanks.
From: John Podesta [mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 9:29 PM
To: Sandler, Susan
Subject: Re: Did you leave a handkerchief
It's mine, but not worth worrying about.
On Sep 2, 2014 2:54 PM, "Sandler, Susan" <ses@sandlerfoundation.org<mailto:ses@sandlerfoundation.org>> wrote:
Hi John,
The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.
@thendrix "climate diplomat". There's a money-laundering title if I've ever heard one.
We don't need a purge, we need justice. And not justice by their disingenuous Orwellian usage of the term. My ideal scenario is that the public needs to be shown their crimes in excruciating detail until their stomachs turn (a lot of this evil is protected by the "too horrible to be true" and "I don't want to think about it" psychology). They need to be prosecuted thoroughly and publicly, with lower-level grunts being given plea-bargains to sell out the mid- and high-levels. No plea-bargains for mid- and high-levels. Fair public trials. Everything by the book. No fake evidence or intentional bullshit that causes mistrials or doubt in the public consciousness. Justice.
I personally don't believe in the death penalty, but depending on laws and jurisdiction, it might apply. No lynch-mobbing, no guillotines, no revenge. Only justice.
The key things are showing the public until they can't deny it or the extent of it anymore, and discovery and verification of evidence (no "poison-pill" planted fake evidence that later gets disproven and taints the rest). If those happen, everything else will flow. Similar to how the country's problems will suddenly be really easy to solve, once bad actors who benefit from problems being unsolvable are removed.
@thendrix in my opinion, the absolute number one issue in politics that must be solved before anything else can possibly be meaningfully worked on, is blackmailed pedo-puppets occupying the seats of power and actively ejecting anyone who isn't also blackmailed. This includes both parties, and likely the 3rd parties as well.
Until this is corruption exposed and fixed, all of the regular political issues are inaccessible.
Yeah, I've been on board for a purge for some time. It's good to see even the milk toasts finally coming around. I predicted the pendulum swing was in after the BLM riot and murder spree, and they'll deserve what they get. The best part is blue cities collapsing into Haiti can't hold political power. That's also happened as sane people flee these cities.
RE Podesta: I posted about it earlier, but here's the deal. The new part is that they're avoiding Senate confirmation.
> White House adviser John Podesta will be the top U.S. climate diplomat when high flying John Kerry steps down this spring and ceases his endless global tours warning the world of impending doom.
@thendrix I did miss it, in what "admin"? People don't seem to want to remember that he was Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, among other, pizza-related things....
Well, I’m saying there is no fixing it – so just purge it all. It’s not a problem if it doesn’t exist. We don’t need the FBI anymore for example as it’s more about creating terror cells and funding cartels than whatever it was intended for when they didn’t end it after its temporary authorization.
@thendrix oh I agree. The FBI was created as a temporary agency during prohibition as part of the ever broader interpretation of "regulation of interstate commerce", and is a legal abomination that should be abolished. And that isn't even including rogue seditious behavior of recent years.
But abolishing it won't be allowed to happen by the pedo-puppets who benefit from its becoming ever more corrupt and incompetent. (incompetent people are easier to control and force to do corrupt things, so they are promoted, which is why corrupt organizations become weaker and weaker with incompetence)
Anyway, this is why I voted Trump in 2016 and 2020. I don't think he'll abolish the FBI (which I think he's wrong not to do), but he's clearly not in "the club" and he clearly wasn't supposed to win in 2016. I think he's the best chance to drain the swamp, despite his flaws, and I do think he knows that this time it's do or die, because they will never, ever, leave him or anyone who supports him, alone.
He's not perfect, he made the huge mistake of hiring the swamp in his first term, because he didn't know how deep it ran. He's still our best shot, however. Draining the swamp would clear the path toward abolishing the FBI. Also I suspect that successful prosecution of pedo-puppets would gut the higher levels.
People black-pilled out of "vooting" fell for voluntarily surrendering one of their best weapons (their vote), and will end up in a fed honeypot, providing the feds with the "right wing violence" they're so desperately low on. I'm concerned that the right is getting purity-spiraled like progressives into virtue-signalling ineffective feels-over-reals narcissistic posers.
@thendrix most of that stuff is the way it is because pedo-puppets. That's what the captured intelligence and federal police are captured by.
Any attempts at reform will be blocked for nonsense reasons because an ever-increasing pile of nonsensically unsolvable problems is good for pedo-puppets, who are playing a very different game than any honest player.
Forgive me if I'm doing the "My pet issue is more important than every other issue, so it's not worthwhile to talk about any other issue" thing. I do think those other issues matter, and small but important wins can be made in them, but any major reform is inaccessible while this problem exists.
No, entire departments need to be removed from the government for a start. Especially the captured intelligence and federal police that work for BRICS-10 more than the US. I’m also for dismantling the entire DC courts system as they clearly shouldn’t be able to end run the republic’s judicial system. The “border bill” [they had a provision that made it so state courts can’t be used and cases must be tried in DC] and how they’re moving cases out of states without cause are good enough reasons for that.
@aven@thendrix I think he's in the club now, and that they'll get behind him and legitimize his term when he gets elected, and he will wave a USA flag and put some woke stuff away and then use the immense good will to convince white boys to die in more neocon wars
@augustus@thendrix that's contradictory to them trying to take him off the ballot and make him a felon and so not legally able to run. He's still very much taking flak from being over the target. Your description better fits Nikki Haley.
@aven@thendrix I think those are people who haven't gotten the message yet. people like Jamie Dimon are coming out and basically sucking him off. the WEF meeting last month was full of elites coming to terms with him and thinking they can use him better to restore trust. your scenario of him instituting a massive purge is something I also want but I think it has an extremely low chance of happening.
Also they’re sneaking provisions into bills to make it impossible for the president to undo a lot of globalist slave trade open border. That bill will likely fail in the house, but it only takes flipping two (R)s as 2 (R) has took off the mask.
Trump is just a tourniquet, and will stabilize the US. He will likely do what he did first term and undo a lot of Obama-Biden admin weaponization of government. It’s insane how many people are debanked and unpersoned just for a political donation.
It will take more than four years to actually to more than stop the bleeding. Maybe he can do mass deportations, drilling, etc to help with inflation and security. Anything else is a bonus.
I think that’s mostly because plan B Biden is going into the general as no one else wanted to own all these problems caused by the Democrats. Also if they cheat again it will be blood and no nation to rule over anyway.
Everyone including the admin wants to swap him out, but if they don’t do it in August it will be because no one wants to run on thr Obama-Biden admin III’s record.
They seriously searched the bench and found Clinton, Whitmer, and Newsom… They fare even worse in a general than Biden. Big Mike doesn’t have what it takes to make it either as she will be torn to shreds. Susan Rice wants to murder Harris. Bucket of crabs. :shrugz:
@thendrix@augustus >the WEF meeting last month was full of elites coming to terms with him and thinking they can use him better to restore trust. I've never heard anything solid to indicate that Trump became part of the club. I've heard ridiculous nonsense like that 2016 went as planned for the deep state and that Trump has been controlled opposition the entire time.
>your scenario of him instituting a massive purge I said the opposite of that
>Trump is just a tourniquet I agree, and have said since 2017 that the need to look forward to post-Trump MAGA.
>plan B Biden is going into the general as no one else wanted to own all these problems caused by the Democrats I predicted that they'll swap him out as late as possible, so the public doesn't get a chance to scrutinize their real candidate, so that it's "Trump vs. Not-Trump". I still stand by that prediction, though I might be wrong. I was wrong about Biden, as I thought they'd get rid of him within a month of inauguration.
I still think that when he has a medical problem and is swapped out, they'll suddenly try to pin as much blame onto him as possible and unload as much baggage onto him as possible, and claim that their new candidate is a "fresh start", even though it's just another sock-puppet on the same deep state hand.