There is no reason why a course related to Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the corresponding implementation status should not be a mandatory in every school and college of this planet. Each and every existing student will get to know that education is a fundamental human right for everyone. Over time, we can aspire to have a generation of people around the world who understand thatWhereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the worldAll we need is political will.
@Aphrodite The question that needs to be addressed is WHY it's so hard for people to unlearn, if it's not rocket science in the first place. I suggest WILL. If one wants to they can. It's NOT difficult. If one doesn't want to, they won't.
To recognize all humans are equally human takes no great leap of logic, no trained observation, no challenge to the mind.
To unlearn that base truth, that we’re all equally human, takes so much effort and energy that that cursed idea sought to become embedded in so many of our societies to justify its existence.
And I ain’t got time for that toxic idea to take up space in my skull.