@selzero conservatives view the Bible as more of an "a la carte" thing, these days.
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Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm: (tob@hachyderm.io)'s status on Wednesday, 07-Feb-2024 22:40:05 JST Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm: -
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Deniz Opal (selzero@syzito.xyz)'s status on Wednesday, 07-Feb-2024 22:40:06 JST Deniz Opal For those that will bash a Bible while complaining about immigration.
Here is a "terrorist leading thousands of illegal invaders across borders, via a perilous sea crossing, claiming they want "refuge against an oppressive regime".
GreenSkyOverMe (Monika) and pettter repeated this. -
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Simon Brooke (simon_brooke@mastodon.scot)'s status on Saturday, 10-Feb-2024 20:36:08 JST Simon Brooke @selzero people who believe that the God they worship literally WAS a #Palestinian #refugee, who fled from Judea via #Gaza into Egypt to escape persecutors who were massacring children, and yet who look at the current #massacre of Palestinian children in Gaza and think "hell yes! Let's give #Israel more weapons."
You could not make it up.
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