@AngryWraith it's like when my little cousin said breathing is just setting us in fire slowly and I freaked for a bit because he's right @SK1ZM@BronzeAgeHogCranker
Technically the only reason we age and die is because the oxygen is just a destructive force to our cells and causes the production of free radicals, which leads to the decay of DNA replication; but the mitochondria requires it to function. Maybe we need a better formula of gases or a different atmosphere to breathe properly 🧐
@SK1ZM@BronzeAgeHogCranker@AngryWraith@benzene There's not a better formula. Best we could do is probably stem cells from our early moments and maybe our umbilical cord preserved and find a way to Crispr a purer version of our own DNA onto ourselves later on.
@SK1ZM@BronzeAgeHogCranker@AngryWraith@benzene >Mitochondria differ from all other organelles in animals in having their own DNA (mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA), which in humans encodes 37 genes: 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs and 13 protein subunits of the electron transport chain and Complex V/ATP synthase. I'm serious though. Increased blood pH (alkalinity) and decreased white blood cells are associated with better mitochondrial copies, but also associated with being young. >In the general population, mtDNA copy number measured in peripheral blood has also been shown to be associated with a variety of physiological phenotypes, and to be linked with aging and mortality. For example, higher mtDNA copy number was linked with better physical and mental health status in aged populations. Here's the kicker, because this type of language is where all the juicy bits of knowledge that are often "known" by bro science and alt health: >It has been speculated that both mtDNA heteroplasmy and copy number may contribute to the aging process, but the effects of mtDNA heteroplasmy and copy number were only discussed separately, thus remaining inconclusive in humans.
@SK1ZM@BronzeAgeHogCranker@AngryWraith@benzene IDK what vidjagame it was that had mitochondria as the baddies but they're just a part of us at this point. I think all eukaryotes have them but I don't remember.
@benzene@AngryWraith@BronzeAgeHogCranker@SK1ZM I remember some relaxation meditation thing with some granola chick saying "you are a bellows" and explaining things like this. TBQH kind of true.
This guy gets it! Flowering plants only appeared as the dinosaurs died out, since their scaly skin was useless to our plant overlords. The fur from mammals were an excellent method of cross-pollination. 🧐
Hmm I didn't know that I all ways thought it was ours cells copy and it's an imperfect copy and that's why we don't heal as fast when we get older. Because our cells are corrupted which would be like smokers get lung cancer because there lungs cells have to replace themselves more often then people that don't smoke. Same with skin cancer and not protecting yourself from overdoing it.