@eriner Or I could do what most people do with opensource stuff and just live the bug. It seems like most of the effort on development has moved over to Pleroma anyways.
@dave I think voting should occur when an opposition party has enough money and support to self-fund an election. If they get 50% of the population to vote, then the entire established government is dissolved, and the new party creates its own government in its place. Basically, a form of bloodless revolution. Except revolutions usually have a tightly organized minority, and this would require a broad disorganized majority.
@josh What's the maintenance like? I'm thinking of hosting my own instance. But don't have the chops to fix issues. I can follow installation instructions, and basic linux stuff. But cannot be bothered if it's going to be high effort.
@alex is presently adding documentation but basically you can run it in docker or as an otp release (think untar then run) or in "cheap prod mode" for if you want to muck with it directly in production trivially