@zombierustpunk LOL. This exactly!
FB for example. I've been complaining how hard it is to check profiles and then remove them. My constant rant is their devs don't really use their own products the way regular users do.
They just do what their “bosses” want them to do, not because those are the features they think users need.
In FB's case, the powers-that-be doesn't like people “unfriending” because it's going to mess up their algorithms, especially when it comes to ads.
Another complaint I have is how the QA and bug testing teams, for the past few years, turned into a rigid system. They're given a set of things to test, and add a checkmark after they tested it following a rigid protocol. In turn, missing other bugs.
Back in my day, we use products the way we expect regular users will use it, and even think of the craziest and unlikely use. That's when we discover bugs that no one expected. Bugs introduced because of the changes made.
That method is gone now. It's all about “work performance”. And the only way to measure “work performance” is if you have checklists.