@benny -- LMAO, so you're literally using a FICTIONAL TIMELINE to discount this meme? Tell me you're social media illiterate without telling me you're social media illiterate.
@jeffowski you aware they got there by going through a nuclear war and a conflict with gene manipulated superhumans first? I don't want that, especially since we have no reason to believe the Vulcanß will come to safe our asses.
@benny — LMAO but the shows and the stories and the ethics and morals being shared ARE REAL. To state that we SHOULDN’T reach for a Star Trek future because of the Star Trek fictional timeline is a really weak joke at best or a person holding onto the status quo at worse or a billionaire ball sucker at worst. If you are not working toward a better world for the betterment of humanity, you’re literally part of the problem.
@jeffowski it's not a meme, it's a tweet. And the timeline is as fictional as all of Star Trek. I don't see how this makes me illiterate, but you do you.
Perhaps you're right, but people who are a little cynical like myself aren't the problem imo. I actually want a future like that and try to strive for it. I just think it's extremely unlikely chance for success. Success in this case would require a critical mass of people striving together toward an ideal, and in my experience, even the most idealistic people are just too chaotic in nature. Interpersonal relationships tend to gravitate toward entropy in general.
@Tom -- And what's your point? You're using a fictional timeline and you seem to be using it to DISCOUNT any attempt to get to a Star Trek utopia. So what is it you're trying to do here with this comment?
@jeffowski In the Star Trek universe, we face a nuclear WWIII that lasts for 27 years...
"World War III was the last of Earth's three world wars, lasting from approximately 2026 to 2053. The conflict involved nuclear cataclysm as well as genocide and eco-terrorism. The post-atomic horror in the aftermath persisted as late as 2079. "
@gilgwath -- given the expansion of the universe and dark energy and how it is uneven and how we seem to be in a bubble of high acceleration of expansion, the chances of us getting our shit together and getting very far out in the universe is growing extremely smaller and smaller every day.