@coolboymew Unfortunately this is a problem as old as history, 1001 Arabian Nights was vastly changed and added to when it was brought to a European audience. The only solution other than a weeb billionaire who cares suddenly buying all the English distribution rights would be for the Japanese companies to do their own dubbing, but that's not likely unless the problem started to hurt their profits, and for better or worse anime is more popular than ever right now.
@Zettour@coolboymew Or the studio/director just hates what's done overseas, see Ghibli for example where it feels like they basically do commissions on studios like Disney because Nausicaä got trashed once.
@lanodan@Zettour@coolboymew There's a loophole in the Ghibli Disney no edits agreement, they just have to get Ghibli to approve the changes. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet, I've only seen minor changes to the subtitles.
@Moon@Zettour@coolboymew Which is pretty much how it should be done, the authors retain moral rights and so should supervise what's done with their work, rather than sell the rights blindly (like what seems to typically be done with your average anime).