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:blobcatflower: ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jan-2024 00:04:20 JST :blobcatflower: I'm so fucking scared of the ice skating date it will fail so badly -
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armpit licker feet smeller ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jan-2024 00:04:18 JST armpit licker feet smeller @methyltheobromine ITLL BE FINE HOMIE. kaia likes this. -
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『VRISKA』 ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jan-2024 00:04:51 JST 『VRISKA』 @methyltheobromine just dont be better than him at skating, men hate when youre better than them at things (Sometimes)
kaia likes this. -
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:blobcatflower: ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jan-2024 00:04:55 JST :blobcatflower: @vriska oh yeah i do im actually decent at it. that's not the problem. my appearance is. he knows what i look like and is fine with me being trans allegedly but still. im scared. -
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『VRISKA』 ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jan-2024 00:04:56 JST 『VRISKA』 @methyltheobromine ... do you know how to skate
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kaia ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jan-2024 00:07:44 JST kaia @methyltheobromine @vriska
you are very pretty though.
and you don't have to force it. don't assume this will lead to a relationship. this doesn't have to. it's about the skating being fun. don't let your anxiety about dating ruin the fun. the less you care about the future and the more you are in the now, the more joy you can have. and resulting from this joy will be smiles, laughs, a good time. and that's very attractive. -
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kaia ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jan-2024 00:42:01 JST kaia @methyltheobromine @vriska
he won't be disgusted because he wanted to date you in the first place. so there's some interest. he'll also be nervous. and it's valid that if you don't fit together, then you separate. there's nothing bad about it. -
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:blobcatflower: ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jan-2024 00:42:08 JST :blobcatflower: @kaia @vriska yes but what of he's disgusted by me I'd feel really fucking awful lol
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