Do you use the Fediverse's social reading platform @bookwyrm?
Would you like to bring your data from GoodReads, LibraryThing, StoryGraph, OpenLibrary or Calibre and import it into BookWyrm?
Here's how:
1. Log into the site you want to export your data from (GoodReads, LibraryThing etc), and download your data as a CSV file.
2. Log into BookWyrm, click on your profile icon and then Settings.
3. Click on Data > Import
4. Choose the type of data source you want to import (GoodReads, LibraryThing etc.)
5. Click Browse, and select the CSV file you want to import from your computer or phone
6. Choose your privacy setting for the imported file
7. Click Import
If you're unfamiliar with BookWyrm, you can find out more at
#BookWyrm #Fediverse #GoodReads #LibraryThing #StoryGraph #OpenLibrary #Calibre #Books