The FBI estimates there are 25 to 50 serial killers that are active in the USA at any time. Though most are not identified and their various killings are not connected to a single killer. So most active serial killers are never known to exist, let alone actively being looked for.
@freemo Somewhere I read recently that this number is much lower than it was decades ago. That was attributed to widespread surveillance and genetic evidence that makes them easier to catch.
@freemo If you go by estimates then 'perhaps' but often seems these "maybe's" as data are what people are deliberately given to run with more actual real hard data now (we don't see any live data and have no search to their info).
In some way we are just taking their word for it and it's called an 'estimate'. Hard for me to believe a lot nowadays.
And then further less belief / trust as dubious people themselves maybe, I estimate... historically :)
And about numbers (Wordwide probably now as a Weapon (as everything) for fear and some aim surely). Get people talking, fearing etc... (not saying you fear but 1 out of 10 maybe by us writing about it).
That server page you showed me about how many people inaccurately 'block' QOTO and explanation how that can be highly possible not be any useful number, further opening eyes 0_0
I've since realised all is highly similar usage in words and in numbers (more than ever as it's domesticated and more learn how to do it like literally everything): █ (old info, non-info, only updated once, initial estimates, Matryoska puppet data, mixed data types relabelled, blatant lies and mixing to hide/dilute everything etc).
It's like needing to dissect the method they used before running with any number (and now words) as it's used / planned more and more against people down the lines of pushers.
---------------- P.S Side topic ---------------- I think similar with 'discount prices' in supermarkets etc as they trap us with the idea of cheapness (and yellow / red stickers visually) with which really aren't discount now (one needs to pay attention to pattern which is one of the ways it works for them as people can't / don't pay attention per product to remembering price increases or have memory capacity to ever work out if deals are that much cheaper)... I once bought a brightly labelled item with repair packaging (assuming it was cheaper) and realised it's the same price. - I'll touch on that more soon in another post probably with this pic!