@tiskaan@Linux_Is_Best@ageha it's just incredibly aggravating to see people kiss his ass giving barely any lip service to progressive opposition to those things when he literally, was personally responsible for those things in large part
@tiskaan@Linux_Is_Best@ageha you can keep a country afloat while doing awful things to its downtrodden members but by and large both parties are now committed to making things worse for everyone (but not equally worse)
DNC is dropping their id-pol groups, and just going for non-voting serfs keeping their electoral votes stable. It’s hard to get off the plantation at that point.
@thendrix@tiskaan@Linux_Is_Best@ageha democrats don't realize they're infiltrated. but they should have at least realized that none of their constitutents cares about israel like they do
@thendrix@tiskaan@Linux_Is_Best@ageha the ivy leagues are currently doing the same thing to asians that they used to do to jews. crt types are scared to death that asians will be too successful to want to adopt loser politics.
BTW I’ve said for years id-pol / CRT was intended to start a race war, and they chose to frontline the smallest minorities for it so they could just drop them at the end. The part will just rotate out the head count with illegals which will still count for electoral count, which can’t vote.
Jungle “no bussing” Joe likely was fully on board with this before he lost his mind. That said the people pulling the strings of neo-Marxism are mostly outside of the US.
@tiskaan@Linux_Is_Best@thendrix@ageha I think that it is a tragedy of the commons thing, every individual who contributes to maximum divisiveness personally profits
@thendrix@Linux_Is_Best@Moon@ageha i dont know shit about what crt teaches but i honestly find the narrative that a race is gonna happen kinda stupid. ive not seen anything simmilarto race riots unless you consider something luke the george flloyd ones to be that. which i dont lol.
The EC issue means there are more congressional districts. It has nothing to do with division of districts… basically CA would have 6-7 less EC votes / congressional districts if illegals were not counted.
@thendrix@Linux_Is_Best@Moon@ageha wierd marx considering marx kinda espoused racial science , i though most of his work was matierial analysis of societies and class struggles.
You sound quite drunk, but I will define it Critical Race Theory is Marxist Theory that replaces class struggle with a racial struggle. It quite literally calls for violent revolution to “resolve” the “divide”. ie I calls for a race war, and has been taught in schools for many years now. It’s not really any different than Manson’s daydream.
@tiskaan@Linux_Is_Best@thendrix@ageha yeah gramsci adorno et al. it's not a conspiracy because they wrote about what they were doing. that said I don't think you can blame everything on them, that is where the conspiracy theory stuff comes in.
@Moon@Linux_Is_Best@thendrix@ageha oh wait i saw youtube vid about this lol, something about gramsci and cultiral hegemony or something lol. ngl i thought that was a bit dumb to call a conspiracy because cons do the same stuff with culture war right?