@dushman Americans forgot that implicit in effective protest is that you're risking going to jail or getting beaten by police but you decided it was worth the risk.
@dushman In the USA, protest has evolved into just being a victory dance or propaganda. You have big protests when you basically already won and it's a show of force and meant to humiliate opponents
@Deplorable_Degenerate@dushman Disrupting air travel will make normal people so mad that they will never forgive you. That is like highway-blocking x1000
@Deplorable_Degenerate@dushman at least people like Code Pink protest where it interferes with politicians, but notice that the system used to be big about promoting Code Pink when they were protesting Bush but completely cut off media attention when they kept protesting drone killing during Obama and continue to ignore them under Biden.
Imagine being some upper-lower/ lower-middle class family that flew across the country to visit grandma for Christmas after possibly not getting to see them the last few years due to covid and having to carefully budget everything because you can barely afford your shitty coach tickets, and on the return trip baby screaming in your ear, smelly obese man next to you bulging over the seat, asshole teenager kicking the back of your seat constantly these faggots roll out on the tarmac to delay you in this living hell.
The only reason I would find out what they were protesting is so I can directly oppose them out of spite.
@dcc@dushman I went on The Donald in November 2019, told those dumb assholes over and over, do not go to DC. The liberals have a month to plan a false flag or something. They know you're coming. This will not end well for you. Etc etc ad nauseum. I got called a glowie, a shill, a faggot, and finally got suspended, not because I was wrong, but I was "upsetting multiple users, generating multiple reports, trolling". So when January 6th finally arrived, I laughed all day, then all week. I still get a laugh once in a while. Schadenfreude is a hell of a drug. c64.jpg