@Leaflord I actually knew a family like that, the guy basically had 2 or 3 wives that had moved in and…..just started screwing him I guess? Seemed like a lot of headache, really.
If this guy said this sad sack shit I would pretend I’m gonna whisper something to him to bait him into slapping distance.
DO NOT SAY THIS OPENLY. This is something you can confess to your bros, but never, EVER say it aloud to a woman. It’s disgusting. You think this is cool because guys like the idea of getting a salvage title, a rescue kitten they can teach to learn to love again and women - crazy fact here, get ready - DO NOT THINK LIKE YOU.
They do not want a spavined old race horse to rehabilitate, the vast majority want a healthy guy that’s willing to fix THEM. You might even point to a few of those “aww I love a cute sensitive boy, I just wanna snuggle him and tell him ebberyting’s gunna bee okay……“ types of girls, and much like a guy craving a yandere girl, they’re chasing an idealized fantasy. They don’t know what it’s actually like, and if you give them a chance to learn they’ll drop you so fast your head will spin.