In case you or someone you know is interested in moving your newsletter: we can migrate _everything_ for you. Subscribers, posts, paid subscriptions, images, the whole nine yards. It takes minutes, not hours.
@buttondown Hmm. For starters: embedding Masto posts as o know embed Tweets in newsletters. But maybe also auto-posting to the Fedi with each new newsletter going live, with a snippet of the article auto-posted by an integrated Fedi account into a new Fedi post? does it this way but only supports free newsletters:
@tchambers What did you have in mind? Spiritually pro (we support webmentions and are working on h-entry support) but don't have a great mental image of what federation itself would look like beyond that!
@tchambers ah, definitely re: the former — has been on the roadmap for a while but I was struggling to find a consistent way to identify a URL or response as a mastodon post. and will poke around the latter more!
@buttondown Highly recommend looking at as a model. Or maybe adding a integration which might get you federation functions faster…
@buttondown instead of having trying to guess that something is a Mastodon post you probably need to create an "embed Mastodon post" thing and just assume whatever gets in it is a Mastodon post. @tchambers
this one technically is already possible (albeit not through AP, just webhooks!) but I have a great reading list to see what the path to supporting ActivityPub is now like :)
@buttondown we desperately need to do this. Way too many non-tech people have been in charge of our newsletter over the years that get overwhelmed by that it usually ends up not going out.